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External Resources

Gardens by the Chapel

Explore our compilation of useful links on dunes, machair, and shingle. This list isn't exhaustive and we welcome your suggestions. If you know of a website that you think should be included, please email


  • Beach and Dune Network - A network hosted by the Coastal & Marine Network Germany to connect stakeholders and sustainably manage beaches and dunes as dynamic, natural landscapes.
  • California Coastal Dune Science Network - This network strives to expand understanding of coastal dunes and their role in building a resilient, transitional, and adaptive coast for all future generations.
  • Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand - A trust working with community groups, iwi, councils & government departments, research agencies, industry and educational institutions to share information and carry out projects that support and improve the restoration of coastal environments around New Zealand.
  • Dynamic Dunescapes - A project restoring sand dunes across England and Wales for the benefit of people, communities and wildlife.
  • LIFE DUNIAS - A nature restoration project on Flemish coastal dunes tackling invasive alien species. 
  • Sands of LIFE - A major conservation project to rejuvenate sand dunes across Wales aiming to improve biodiversity, support rare species, and enhance the resilience of these vital coastal ecosystems. 
  • Stichting Duinbehoud - A Dutch organisation dedicated to protecting and restoring the Netherlands’ coastal dunes. It works to conserve these vital ecosystems through advocacy, research, and community engagement


  • LIFE on Machair - A six-year EU funded project running from 2022 to 2028 developed to work with farmers, landowners and local communities in a bid to protect and restore Ireland’s network of Machair systems and associated breeding wader and pollinator communities.
  • Machair LIFE - Machair Life was a four-year project which ran from January 2010 to June 2014, and aimed to demonstrate that traditional crofting practices have a sustainable future.


  • Advice on Sustainable Management of Coastal Shingle Resources - Report to Natural Resources Wales by Kenneth Pye Associates Ltd.
  • #gravelbeach - The #GravelBeach project examines the dynamics of gravel beaches and barriers, focusing on their response to storm impacts and sea-level rise, to enhance predictive models and inform coastal management strategies.
  • UKGravelBarriers -The UKGravelBarriers project investigates gravel barrier systems in the UK, focusing on their natural behaviour, interaction with coastal processes, and the impacts of climate change, aiming to inform sustainable coastal management and flood risk reduction.

Coastal Zone

  • Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC) - A European network promoting sustainable coastal and marine management. It focuses on protecting ecosystems, supporting biodiversity, and fostering community engagement through research, advocacy, and education (EUCC France; EUCC Germany).
  • Plantlife - A UK conservation charity focused on protecting wild plants, fungi, and their habitats. Active since 1989, it works to restore ecosystems, monitor species, and promote biodiversity, including in coastal areas like dunes and shingle.
  • Sands of Time - Information on the sand dunes of the Sefton coast in North West England.